Friday, 25 April 2014

Tales From The Front

It's been a while that we've posted the cover of our short story "Tales From the Front". So here's the cover once more, in addition to page 1 of the story. After finishing the story, you'll be very welcome to download the whole thing for free.
Don't forget our Zombie International's app!

Saturday, 12 April 2014


Imagine the master of all Zombie movies himself turns into a undead brain eater. We just did!

Monday, 7 April 2014


How cool is this! Soon, Zombie International will be available at comiXology. We are very proud to accompany all the Marvel and DC classics and "The Walking Dead".

Of course Zombie International's app will be still available in the App Store! For all, who missed last week's post: Here's our very special jig.